# **Terms and Conditions**
> ## **a)** **Use of other Spaces/Admission of other users:** "I am aware that I can register for other Spaces that are of interest to me at any time, and that other users interested in the same topic can register in the Spaces in which I am registered, at any time."
> ## **b)** **Use of my comments:** "I understand that the comments I make in this space may be used by other participants for their own research or publications following the rules of good scientific practice. My participation signals the acceptance of these conditions."
> ## **c)** **Use of comments made by other users:** If you publish articles or studies that have been informed by your conversations in this space, we would appreciate if you were to include the following statement: "The ideas in this publication were developed in part in the discourse space ReaLiTea ([https://www.realitea.info/](https://www.realitea.info/)). The authors of this publication are responsible for its content."
> ## **d) Citations:** My participation signals my acceptance of these conditions and my general adherence to the rules of good scientific practice.
> ## **e)** **General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)**\: I understand that my data will be used in accordance with general data protection regulations (EU). For more information, see our data security guidelines _(TBD)._
> ## **f) User Obligations:** By accepting the terms of use, users agree to comply with all rules and refrain from any illegal activities, including but not limited to the unlawful downloading of data.
> ## **g) Copyright Notice for Uploaded Materials:** We recommend that users uploading materials include appropriate copyright notices on their documents. For example: "All rights remain with the author." Or: "By downloading these materials, I confirm that I will respect the author's rights and cite their work in accordance with copyright laws."
> ## **h) Guarantee of Ownership for Uploaded Content:** By uploading any content, the user (uploader) guarantees that the content and/or its uploading does not infringe any law or third-party rights.